Alright. I know, I know. Add my name to your list of failed bloggers. It's been a year since my last post. I could make lots of excuses about how life got in the way but what it comes down to is that I lacked the confidence to maintain this blog. In retrospect, I had no idea how vulnerable I would feel at exposing myself, my feelings, to whoever lives out there in cyberspace. But I've learned a lot over the past year. And one thing I've learned is that I shouldn't be scared. There are tons of blogs that I follow and I admire these people and learn from them. They are not perfect and I appreciate their willingness to share themselves, mistakes and all. So today, I am granting myself the grace and love to try again. And again. And probably again.
PS- In case you'd like to see one of my many excuses, here's Simon at six weeks. Now he's a whopping six months. We have a lot of catching up to do! Cheers!
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