Recently I read The Well Trained Mind by Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise (Susan's mom). It was an amazing read. For someone like myself who is interested in homeschooling and feels inspired to teach their children themselves, this book cannot go unread. I've been so over-whelmed, wondering HOW I could ever be wise enough to home school my kids. I have no degree, let alone a teaching certificate. But this book put my mind at ease. If you want your child to have a classical education (knowledge based), it tells you exactly what options you have for suitable curriculum. No more guess work! I decided to take a leap of faith after reading it.
Susan emphasizes the importance of a child being able to read fluently as soon as they are ready (normally around age 4-5). Before school? How can they learn to read before their teacher teaches them how to? Surprisingly enough she suggests that the parent should teach them how. With all their un-certified glory. So I made up my mind that indeed, I would teach Adalyn myself. Susan also wrote The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading. I went ahead and ordered a copy along with the first set of BOB Books. And what do you know- Adalyn is already reading!!! She's actually sounding out the letters and putting them together to form words. It's amazing! I would highly recommend both books to any parent who wants an easy, phonics based program for teaching their child to read.
Ethan on the other hand isn't reading quite yet. But he is already potty training! Just as exciting, I know! There's nothing quite as beautiful as hearing a toddler yell, "Mom, I pooped in the potty!" Amen. We went out together today while Adalyn was playing with another princess. First we went to Kohl's to look at toys for his birthday. He picked out a Fisher Price Castle that comes with a knight and dragon and a green tee-ball set. Pretty easy, right? After Kohl's we went to Moe's to have lunch with Dad. We made it back home with no potty accidents! Wahoo! He's getting so big. When baby three arrives I know he'll look like a giant. A giant in super hero underwear. Man, he's just so stinkin' cute!
Speaking of baby three can you believe I'm already 13.5 wks? Just two days away from the glorious 2nd trimester. Yes! My nausea is almost gone but my energy is no where to be found. I assure you this is completely pregnancy related. The new Krispy Kreme in Wake Forest and my lack of exercise has nothing to do with it. In just three weeks we'll be able to find out if this little one is a boy of a girl. I'm betting on a girl. Ryan is siding with a boy. One of us will be right. At first when I spoke with our insurance company sonograms weren't covered until we met a 1k deductible. No way that was going to happen. But after calling and speaking with someone different I found out they ARE covered if there is a medical need. Ryan having a few congenital heart defects is certainly a risk factor so for a $40 co-pay I can have my level 2 ultrasound and feel at peace about the health of our baby and having another home birth. I can't wait!
Ryan may have a job interview coming up. We would appreciate any prayers on his behalf. We really want to stay here in NC. And for that to happen a new job is a must. Thanks!
So yeah, that's life as of now. And I love it.
Slow Start
1 week ago